Un an après la chute de Lehman Brothers, quel horizon pour l'économie mondiale ?

Une brise d'optimisme souffle sur la planète économie. La récession terminée, la reprise, même faible, attendrait au pas de la porte. D'ailleurs, les bourses mondiales ont repris du poil de la bête - près de 50% de hausse en six mois - et les indicateurs positifs réapparaissent. Pourtant, presque un an jour pour jour après la faillite de Lehman Brothers, ils sont nombreux les signes -et les indicateurs justement- qui indiquent que la reprise n'est pas encore là. En particulier aux Etats-Unis, qui continuent de donner le la à l'économie mondiale. Etat des lieux.

Swine Flu, What the H1N1 To Do?

It’s on everyone’s minds, whether it’s a Back2School issue in your house or not. Swine Flu properly known as the H1N1 virus has been reported widely to be on the increase. There’s enough conflicting information on the subject to make someone sick. What’s up with that? — BadWitch

Readers Are Spellbound & Perplexed…

Dear GWBW — What the hell is going on with Swine Flu H1N1 and all the confusion around it? Why are they telling us there will be an epidemic but not enough vaccine around till October? We’re a non-pregnant healthy couple living together in the suburbs. What should we do? — Oinkin’ Worried


Dear Oinkin’ Worried,

Oh, I get it. I’ve got two school age children, who are healthy, but still in the cross hairs of this Swine Flu, H1N1 disease— along with pregnant women. It is highly worrisome.

So, how do you prepare? Keep your immune system strong and healthy. Not to shamelessly self-promote, but now is a good time to start stress management training. Chronic stress shuts down the immune system. Now, you think, “I don’t have chronic stress. I mean sure I’m stressed, but isn’t everyone. That’s life.” Well, the grumpiness, the irritation, the never enough time and the worry all balled together equal chronic stress.

Sounds horrible, really just a state we have all decided is perfectly normal. Of course, that “perfectly normal” state shuts down immune system, digestion and a number of other “non-critical” body functions. During this flu season, stress is not perfectly normal. It is a perfect recipe for a ‘Welcome Illness’ sign across your forehead.

The next step is to wash your hands early and often. I suggest using Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Soap. It’s made with real lavender extract, which has natural antiseptic properties. That’s natural, not like the antiseptic cleaner that creates super viruses. The liquid soap is excellent and, since it’s concentrate, a little dab will do you. Perfect. Keep some at work, in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Side benefit, you’ll smell great—and not in some fragrance sensitive kind of way.

Remember, if you have contact with a sniffing coworker or kid, wash your hands before touching your face—especially mouth, nose and eyes. And, wet wipes are great cleaners for shared equipment clean up. And, if you’ve touched the office copier, wash your hands. It may seem a bit OCD, but when you’re still standing in the Spring, you’ll be thankful.

Keep your vitamins up, especially B complex and C. Good nutrition cannot be undervalued in the work to reinforce the immune system. The idea, in short, is to treat your body with care in the coming months, so you become less of a happy host for the H1N1 virus. Get enough sleep and be good to yourself. If we take the time to take care of ourselves, we build up our tolerance and our immune system. Then spend your sick days on some recharging mental health days, like God intended.

Be healthy,



Dear Oinkin’,

There are as many considerations as worries surrounding the H1N1 virus. Let’s break down the basics so you and your partner can decide for yourselves.

1) How safe is the vaccine? Should parents vaccinate kids?

The NIH and WHO have been vaccine testing for the US vaccine roll-out mid-October as scheduled. The CDC says that children six (6) months to four (4) years old should be vaccinated. Parents will have to decide for themselves as with the rest of their children’s vaccinations (’Shooting up Kids’, August 20 post). Here’s recent info from CBSNews item on vaccination risk.

2) How at risk are you?

Travelers should be concerned but only postpone travel if they already have H1N1. Otherwise, WHO is not recommending countries institute special Entrance/Exit checks as this only serves to hold up, not stave off disease among travelers. With worldwide travel so common, WHO feels restricting travel would be more disruptive to the worldwide community than help manage the disease. Some health panels believe students are the most at risk group. Other at risk groups include pregnant women, the elderly, healthcare and professionals dealing with the public, and those people with chronic health problems.

3) What precautions can you take against H1N1?

Guidelines for coping with this flu for businesses, schools and colleges were already announced.

Above all, Oinkin’, remember the majority of people who have had Swine Flu, H1N1 recovered from their surprisingly mild cases quickly (three days average reported). Guard yourself from over-worrying which can make you sick in itself! Stay conscious but not paranoid about your surroundings and those you come in contact with, wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer, my personal favorite is EO’s Hand Sanitizing Spray in Organic Peppermint. If you do get sick, the CDC says stay home.


An intern (also known in Quebec English as stagiaire) is one who works in a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather than merely employment, making it similar to an apprenticeship. Interns are usually college or university students, but they can also be high school students or post graduate adults seeking skills for a new career. Student internships provide opportunities for students to gain experience in their field, determine if they have an interest in a particular career, create a network of contacts, or gain school credit. Internships provide the employers with cheap or free labor for (typically) low-level tasks, and also the prospect of interns returning to the company after completing their education and requiring little or no training.

An internship may be either paid, unpaid or partially paid (in the form of a stipend). Paid internships are most common in the medical, architecture science, engineering, law, business (especially accounting and finance), technology and advertising fields. Internships in non-profit organization such as charities and think tanks are often unpaid, volunteer positions. Internships may be part-time or full-time; typically they are part-time during the university year and full-time in the summer, and they typically last 6-12 weeks, but can be shorter or longer. The act of job shadowing may also constitute as interning.

Internship positions are available from businesses, government departments, non-profit groups and organizations. Due to strict labor laws, European internships are mostly unpaid, although they are still popular among non-Europeans in order to gain international exposure on one's résumé and for foreign language improvement.

* 1 Types of internships
* 2 Paying for an internship
* 3 Student internships in the United States
* 4 International student internships
o 4.1 Ireland
o 4.2 Spain
o 4.3 South Africa
o 4.4 Italy
o 4.5 UK, Canada and Australia
o 4.6 Germany
o 4.7 France
o 4.8 Netherlands
o 4.9 Denmark
o 4.10 India
o 4.11 European Union
* 5 Anti-Internship
* 6 See also
* 7 References
* 8 External links

[edit] Types of internships

Internships exist in various industries and settings. Here are two primary types of internships that exist in the United States.

1. Work experience internship: Most often this will be in the second or third year of the school period. The placement can be from 2 months to sometimes even one full school year. During this period the student is supposed to use the things he/she has learned in school and put it in practice. This way the student gets work experience in their field of study. The gained experience will be helpful to finish up the last year of the study.
2. Research internship (graduation) or dissertation internship: This is mostly done by students who are in their last year. With this kind of internship a student does research for a particular company. The company can have something that they feel like they need to improve, or the student can choose a topic within the company themselves. The results of the research study will be put in a report and often will have to be presented.

The practice of a mid-career person taking an internship (see Returnship) is relatively new to the U.S. but becoming more common due to the current economic crisis.[1]

[edit] Paying for an internship

Some companies will find and place students in internships for a fee; such internships are mostly unpaid.[2] In some cases companies charge to assist with a search, promising to refund their fees if no internship is found. [3] What is included in such paid programs varies by company. Overall, the advantages are that they provide internship placements at reputable companies, provide controlled housing in a new city, mentorship and support throughout the summer, networking, weekend activities in some programs, and sometimes academic credit.[4]

Another form of paying for internships is through charity auctions, where a company with an internship will select a charity to get the proceeds of the auction. In some cases, companies have created internships simply to help charities.[2]

Fee-based programs, and charity auctions, restrict internship opportunities to students in wealthier families who can afford paying thousands of dollars while the student works for little or no wages, in exchange for improving professional work opportunities after graduation.[4] But the head of one company specializing in such internships said that "The average student comes from the middle class, and their parents dig deep" to pay for it. He said that his company had begun, in 2008, to fund scholarships and grants for low-income applicants. [2]

[edit] Student internships in the United States

Many internships in the United States are career specific. Students often choose internships based on their major at the university/college level. It is not uncommon for former interns to acquire full-time employment at an organization once they have enough necessary experience. The challenging job market has made it essential for college students to gain real world experience prior to graduation. [5] Jeff Gunhus, CEO for one of the largest internship programs in the U.S. said, "Undergraduates face different challenges than the average person looking for a career." [6] In the US, company internships are at the center of NIGMS funded biotechnology training programs[7] for science PhD students. One example is the Biotechnology Training Program - University of Virginia.

[edit] International student internships

Many students do internships in a different country to get international experience and learn an extra language. The meaning of an internship can be different around the globe.

[edit] Ireland

Ireland is fast becoming a highly sought after destination for internships. Participants come from all over the world to experience some of the best resources available in Europe. Students of all ages can experience all aspects of the culture Ireland has to offer while completing their internships. A combination of accommodation is available, from host families to hostels to sharing in apartments with other nationalities. Students come to Ireland anytime from 4 weeks up to a year. Student preferences are adhered to - usually getting their first choice in their chosen field, media, hotel reception, cooking, marketing, business etc. To get a full support system while they are here it is highly recommended that students make a reservation through a reliable company that specializes in placing participants in a host company that best matches their needs. In this way if there is a problem with the host company or the accommodation they can get help in acquiring another company or alternative accommodation straight away without delay. Most internships in Ireland are unpaid but the host company may provide a full travel card for the duration of the internship. Chefs normally get free accommodation if working for a hotel. A reasonable comprehension of English is essential when seeking internships in Ireland, some agencies will organize an intensive English language course from one to three weeks depending on the length of stay before the intern joins a host company.

[edit] Spain

At Spanish universities it is uncommon to do an internship during the education period. The real working experiment for them starts when they are done with their study. However, Spanish companies are getting more used to having students doing an internship at their company nowadays. Mostly these are international students from other European countries. Spain is a popular country for students to go to for a short period of time to do an internship. A lot of times students want to learn Spanish, and this is a perfect opportunity for them to do so. Another reason to go to Spain for an internship could be the opportunity to increase their cultural awareness or to experience working in an international setting. Students found that it is hard to get in contact with most Spanish businesses. The best way to find a good company to work at will be with the help of a placement organization. The normal stage compensation rate in Spain is around €500.[citation needed]

[edit] South Africa

South Africa and Cape Town in particular are becoming more popular among international students for internships, student exchange and volunteer work. Cape Town is also popular for medical students who want to do a summer internship at for instance Groote Schuur hospital. Gaining work experience in this different environment with more pressure and different challenges is very valuable for future employees. Most internship’s in South Africa are unpaid at present but some companies are willing to cover some of the living costs. However, a great deal of companies are not familiar to interns and do not fully know the educational or academic value it provides its students. When this is not explained to the company, it could happen that the intern is merely seen as a cheap labourer rather than a valuable asset to the company. It is therefore practice by many students to pay an internship company that sorts out the agreements with the companies and arranges accommodation during their stay in for example Cape Town. However, there are also new initiatives that provide students with all the necessary information and tools to sort out their own internship [8] in South Africa.

[edit] Italy

Since the Italian University System entered into the Bologna process, an internship experience(commonly referred to by the French term stage) has been made compulsory for almost all those studying for a bachelor's or a master's degree (especially in technical, economic or scientific faculties). Its goal should be reducing the gap between the companies' demands and the too theoretical learning offered by Italian universities. However, since the internship is usually made at university as well and since the few companies that accept student interns don't offer a proper training, it is not a real work experience. Almost all the students therefore have to do a second or a third internship after they are done with their studies, this time in a company, hoping to receive a proper professional training, being hired afterwards in the same company, or in another company in a close or related business. The internship period can last up to 6 months, renewable for other 6 months, so the total period can be up to 12 months. Internships in Italy can be both paid and not paid: students internships, expecially the ones not involved with the development of a thesis, are usually not paid; almost all the graduate internships, instead, are paid, but the remuneration is extremely low, around 600 euros gross per month, about 1/4 of the gross monthly remuneration of an hired young graduate employee, and without benefits other than the lunch (so no housing, no 13th/14th mensilities, no paid holidays, no parental leave)[citation needed]. This poses an huge problem for fresh graduates, considering as well that many companies use graduate interns just to save money, making them work for 6 to 12 months without giving them a decent remuneration, without offering them a proper training/formation, and without hiring them after the internship even if they showed to be productive,fast-learner and trustworthy workers. In other words, almost all the Italian graduates, after one or even two years from the end of their studies (in some cases even master's studies), are still searching for a real job, that can offer stability and a decent remuneration. This, together with the long time necessary to graduate in Italy (Italian universities are very difficult), is part of the reason why graduate Italians leave the family home very late, usually in their early 30s.

[edit] UK, Canada and Australia
Main article: Work experience

Internships are often referred to as 'sandwich placements' in the UK and are validated work experienced opportunity as part of a degree program. University staff give students access to vacancies and students apply direct to employers. Some universities hold fairs and exhibitions to encourage students to consider the option and to enable students to meet potential employers. In the modern labour market graduates with work experience in the form of sandwich placements are not only deemed more desirable to employers but also research has demonstrated they attain higher level degree classifications than those graduates without such experience.

In these countries they have split the types of internship in unpaid or paid. The unpaid internship are mostly the ones that are chosen by students who are either still in school and doing an internship as part of the requirements of school or who have just left school. The purpose of these internships are to get understanding about how work is conducted in the English-speaking world and to improve one's English. Another plus is to learn about work ethic and to experience cultural diversity. The paid internship is mostly for people that want to come to these countries to improve their English. The job for them is not something that they are specialized in, but see it as something that will give them enough money to support their living in these countries.

[edit] Germany

In Germany there are different kinds of internships as well. As in most other countries, most students take their internship during the fourth or fifth semester of their degree. In some fields of study it is common to write the final thesis in a company. Another type of internship has emerged, the post graduation internship. The high unemployment in Germany during the last years has made it hard for people to find the right job, especially for people that have just graduated and lack work experience. Because of this, many offer to do an internship at their preferred place of employment while earning very little, in the hope of landing a job there in the future.[citation needed]

[edit] France

At the French universities it is also most common to do an internship, in France called stage, during the third or fourth year of your studies. The duration of the internships varies from 2 to 6 months, but very seldom longer than that. In France it is also becoming more popular to do an internship after one has finished studying. Mostly for students that did not get the chance to do an internship during their study career, and try to gain some working experience this way. Most times with the thought of getting hired after the internship period. An internship in France is also popular for international students. The number one reason to do an internship in France is to learn the language. A lot of French companies seem to be open to students from different countries. It is a big plus for companies to have employees who speak multiple languages.[citation needed]

[edit] Netherlands

In the Netherlands it is also common to do an internship during college. Just like in France it is called stage. Students will go intern for approximately 5 months. Companies are not obligated to pay the student, so sometimes small companies won't pay anything. The normal internship compensation rate in the Netherlands is around €300 [9].

[edit] Denmark

It is not seen as appropriate to work without pay unless it is done as part of a work-trial where a person is tested by the authorities as part of plan to get the individual back into the workspace [10] The company is then compensated and the intern gets welfare during this period, which normally lasts about three months. The Trade Unions monitor this area very thoroughly so an intern cannot result in the loss of a paid job [11][12]

A new system of qualification for higher education imposed by the Department of Education does punish those students who take a period off to work for charity [13].

[edit] India

India too has become an important destination for international internship from several western developed countries since early 2000.Some organisations also organize an intensive Indian language, culture, ayurveda and yoga courses from few weeks to several months depending on the length of stay before the intern joins associate host organisations.[citation needed]

'InStep' of Infosys is an example of quality international internship programs in India in the corporate sector for international students and youth. [14], [15]

[edit] European Union

The European Commission operates a sizeable traineeship programme

[edit] Anti-Internship

Sometimes internships are not pursued because more senior positions are available, even temporary ones. Some universities have awards that financially support students over the summer in lieu of full-time internships so that they can develop their entrepreneurial ventures. One such award is the Wharton Venture Award, which was conceived as an alternative to the traditional summer internship [16] The founder of Milo.com (local shopping search) won this award and used it to sow the seeds for the venture instead of getting a summer internship. [17]



L'auscultation est la partie de l'examen clinique qui consiste à écouter, à l'aide d'un stéthoscope (auscultation médiate), ou simplement à l'oreille, divers bruits produits par les organes du corps humain, notamment ceux émis par le cœur, les poumons et les bronches, les intestins, les carotides et les artères fémorales. Cette méthode de diagnostic médical a été mise au point par René Laennec en 1816.

C'est une erreur que de qualifier d'auscultation un examen clinique ne faisant pas appel à l'ouïe.

* 1 Auscultation pulmonaire
o 1.1 Bruits normaux
o 1.2 Bruits adventices
* 2 Texte de référence
* 3 Voir aussi

Auscultation pulmonaire [modifier]

Préférentiellement faite sur la face postérieure du thorax, peut aussi se faire en antérieure. On y recherche la présence des bruits pulmonaires normaux et de bruits adventices (anormaux). Le principal bruit pulmonaire normal est le murmure vésiculaire. Il est le reflet de l'entrée d'air dans les poumons et est diminué dans plusieurs pneumopathies.

Bruits normaux [modifier]

* Murmures vésiculaires sur l'ensemble du thorax
* Bruit bronchovésiculaire
* Face antérieure du thorax: bilatéralement sur le 2e espace intercostal près du corps du sternum
* Face postérieure du thorax: bilatéralement sur les 2e, 3e, 4e espaces intercostaux près de la jonction des côtes (tête, col) à la colonne vertébrale
* Bruits trachéobronchiques au niveau du sternum
* Bruits trachéiques au niveau de la trachée

Bruits adventices [modifier]

* Ronchus ou râles sonores ou ronflements

- Tonalité basse, fréquence inférieure à 200Hz.
- Prédominance à l'expiration.
- bruit qui ressemble à celui qu'on entend lorsqu'on souffle dans le goulot d'une bouteille et à des ronflements.
- Il peut disparaître si la personne produit une toux efficace, ou si ses sécrétions ont été aspirées.

* Sibilances (audible au stéthoscope uniquement)

- Ont une tonalité aiguë, autour de 400Hz
- Prédominant à l'expiration
- Bruit qui ressemble à celui que l'on entend lorsque que l'on dégonfle un ballon dont on pince l'orifice.

* Crépitants fins

- Sons doux, de haute tonalité, très brefs.
- Audibles surtout en fin d'inspiration.
- Ils ne disparaissent pas si la personne tousse. On peut les comparer au bruit que fait une mèche de cheveux qu'on roule entre ses doigts.

* Crépitant Rudes

- Sons forts, de basse tonalité, plus longs.
- Audibles surtout lors de l'inspiration et en début d'expiration.
- Ils peuvent diminuer si la personne tousse, si elle change de position ou suite à une aspiration bronchique.
- On peut les comparer à un feu de bois qui pétille ou à du maïs qu'on fait éclater. Ils ressemblent aussi à des gargouillements.

* Frottement pleural

- Bruit très superficiel, qui ressemble beaucoup aux crépitants.
- Il se produit en fin d'expiration.
- On peut les comparer au bruit que font deux morceaux de cuir frottés l'un contre l'autre.
- Il est surtout audible au pourtour des lignes axillaires antérieures gauches ou droites.

This is an e-mail from 'UVa Online Judge'

Hello There,

We welcome you all to participate in the Regional Warmup
Contest on 13th September. Due to some reasons this contest
has been shifted to 13th September at 13 GMT from previous
date 12th September, 2009. We also have a Columbian
Programming Contest, Brazilian National Contest, CUPCAM 2009
and Dhaka Regional Contest scheduled in recent times. Please
visit http://uva.onlinejudge.org/ to view the full schedule.

-UVa Online Judge Team

Miguel A. Revilla
Shahriar Manzoor
Miguel Revilla
Carlos M. Casas

Getting Groomed

Jess: OK, so Tom, I've told you all about my beauty regime. You look very well groomed. Could you tell me what do you do to keep yourself looking good?

Tom: Well, thank you Jess. I mean this look is the product of many stages of evolution. When I was a teenager, I had long hair pulled back in a pony-tail, but at that time I wasn't growing a beard yet so I did get mistaken for a girl, so since then I've had short hair. There have been some periods when I've been traveling and when I'm traveling I don't like to bother too much about grooming, and my beard has started to grow, and it was a couple of years back that I went back to my job after traveling. I didn't have time to shave, and my colleagues and students saw me with a full beard, and to be honest they weren't as rude as I thought there were going to be, and I thought well maybe this looks good, so I thought I'd keep that. The beard lasted perhaps a year and then it began disappearing and appearing according to my whim and now I've settled on a goatee which is where I shave my cheeks and underneath my chin, but I keep the mustache and and beard around my mouth. I've never grown sideburns because I'm a little embarrassed to say, I've never managed to get the connection between my beard and my hair. There's a little gap just by my ears which never has quite grown hair, so that's where we got to where we are today.

Jess: And have you ever removed hair from, waxed or shaved or any other part method from any other part of your body?

Tom: Do you mean my legs? No, I have never shaved my legs. I'm not a very hairy guy, but I just don't feel comfortable with men shaving their legs. A friend at university was a cyclist and he always shaved his legs and I thought it was strange because ... I mean, seriously, is wind resistance that important that you need to shave you legs to get the extra bit of speed on a bicycle, but he explained to me, "No", it's to do with evening after cycling and you have to get a sports massage and a massage is much easier if you don't have hair on your legs. I always thought it was about wind resistance, but I was completely wrong.

Jess: So, it sounds like in comparison to mine your beauty regime is very simple.

Tai Chi

Todd: So, Monica, you do Tai Chi?

Monica: Yes, I've just joined a Tai Chi club?

Todd: What made you join the Tai Chi club?

Monica: Well, I wanted to do something that was a lot different to what I usually do, which is high impact sports like basketball and tennis.

Todd: So, you wanted to do something that was slower?

Monica: Yeah, well, I don't usually enjoy exercise that is quite slow such as yoga, but I decided to join this club and I'm really enjoying it.

Todd: So, what exactly is Tai Chi? What do you do in Tai Chi?

Monica: Well, there are different types of Tai Chi. There's the original Tai Chi which involves quick fast movements, and then there's a slower form of Tai Chi which is quite popular in Japan. I think it's called Mr. Young Tai Chi, and that involves very slow pronounced movements, and that's the Tai Chi that I'm doing.

Todd: How do you feel? Like after you do Tai Chi, do you feel tired? Do you feel energetic?

Monica: After I've done Tai Chi I feel quite energetic actually. I don't really feel tired because I haven't had a really hard workout, but I feel that my mind is very relaxed and focused and that I'm very motivated to do whatever I need to do for the rest of the day.

Todd: Now, you actually are a tennis coach, so you teach sports. Would you recommend Tai Chi for other athletes?

Monica: Yeah, I do recommend Tai Chi for other athletes. It's quite difficult to know exactly how you would benefit from Tai Chi, and how it can directly relate a specific sport, but I've heard that it works on your energy levels, and focuses your mind so that everything is in balance, and I think that can help in kind of sport because even in a sport like tennis, it's important to have balance when you're hitting the ball, when you're volleying, when you're getting ready for a smash. It actually involves having balance in terms of where your center of gravity is, so yeah, the concepts are similar.

SpeakerMonica is a professional EFL teacher based in Asia and New Zealand. Currently she teaches skype lessons online. Students interested studying with her online can reach her at

Firefox 3.5, une autre vision du web

À l'instar d'Internet Explorer, de Google Chrome ou encore d'Opera, Firefox est un célèbre navigateur Internet connu pour ses innombrables fonctionnalités et extensions. Il attire aujourd'hui un nombre d'utilisateurs toujours croissant. Cependant, les navigateurs doivent lutter dans la guerre acharnée qu'ils mènent : ils doivent innover en terme de rapidité et performance tout en restant simples d'utilisation.

Aujourd'hui après des mois de dur labeur, Mozilla Foundation sort la version 3.5 de son navigateur ayant pour "nom de code" Shiretoko. Aussi bien pour les développeurs que pour les utilisateurs, Firefox 3.5 apporte bon nombre d'innovations et de nouveautés qui vont changer notre approche du web.

SourceForge récompense 9 projets Open Source

SourceForge est un site hébergeant près de 200 000 projets, dont la grande majorité sont libres. Tous les ans, ce site organise un concours : les Community Choice Awards (souvent abrégé CCA). Le but de cet évènement est d'élire les meilleurs projets selon des critères précis, chacun étant classé dans une catégorie distincte, l'occasion de découvrir ou de redécouvrir des projets OpenSource incontournables. Voici ci-dessous sans plus attendre une liste des différentes catégories du concours :

* Meilleur utilitaire pour les administrateurs système ;
* Meilleur projet pour l'Université ;
* Le projet le plus susceptible de changer votre façon de faire les choses ;
* Meilleur projet pour le multimédia ;
* Meilleur utilitaire pour les développeurs ;
* Meilleure interface ;
* Meilleur projet pour les joueurs ;
* Meilleur projet pour les entreprises ;
* Meilleur projet pour le gouvernement ;
* Meilleur projet commercial Open Source ;
* Meilleur nouveau projet ;
* Meilleur projet ;

À savoir tout de même qu'il n'y avait pas moins de 4 875 projets nominés pour la finale !
Les membres ont voté et nous vous laissons maintenant découvrir les grands gagnants.

Opera 10 disponible en version finale

Opera Software est une entreprise créée par Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner et Geir Ivarsøy en 1995. Son effectif était de 675 personnes fin 2008 et son siège social est situé à Oslo en Norvège. Le bénéfice d'Opera software s'élève à 12,5 millions de Couronnes norvégiennes, soit environ 1,67 millions d'euros. Son produit le plus connu est son navigateur web : Opera, qui vient de sortir en version 10.

Opera est un navigateur web propriétaire multiplateforme. Il dispose de fonctions diverses comme un gestionnaire de torrents et un client IRC. Ce navigateur est reconnu pour sa rapidité et sa conformité vis-à-vis des standards du Web. C'est un gratuiciel (logiciel gratuit) depuis sa version 8.5 sur les principaux systèmes d'exploitation (à savoir Windows, GNU/Linux et Mac OS X Leopard), mais il est vendu par exemple à Nintendo pour les navigateurs de la Wii, de la DS et de la DSi, en versions adaptées pour ces machines.

Innovations d'Opera durant 15 années

* Onglets : Opera est le premier navigateur à avoir intégré la navigation par onglets, innovation qui a ensuite été réutilisée par les autres navigateurs
* Speed Dial : le Speed Dial (ou Appel Rapide) est une page spéciale qui apparaît lorsqu'on ouvre un onglet. Elle affiche une liste des sites préférés de l'utilisateur, et préalablement choisis par celui-ci
* Opera Link : outil de synchronisation qui permet de retrouver sur n'importe quel ordinateur vos favoris, votre Speed Dial, mais également l'historique des sites visités et des recherches effectuées
* Sessions de navigation : elles vous permettent de sauvegarder un groupe d'onglets pour s'en resservir plus tard
* Navigation à la souris : cette fonctionnalité unique dans le monde des navigateurs (il existe quand même une extension Firefox) permet d'effectuer des actions (comme Précédent, Suivant, Actualiser,...) d'un simple mouvement de souris
* Personnalisation complète : quasiment toute l'interface peut être modifiée, des raccourcis clavier au thème du navigateur en passant par l'édition des barres d'outils, sans oublier un comportement qui peut être différent selon le site que vous visitez (gestion des cookies, animations, pop-up, etc.)
* Gestionnaires de téléchargement : Opera possède un gestionnaire de téléchargement très complet qui permet de télécharger des fichiers à partir d'un serveur FTP aussi facilement que sur un serveur HTTP, et gère aussi les fichiers BitTorrents.
* Client IRC : il intègre un véritable client IRC afin de discuter et de surfer dans la même fenêtre
* Client courriel : Opera possède aussi un client mail nommé M2, qui permet de récupérer et d'envoyer des courriels à partir des serveurs SMTP, POP ou IMAP au sein du navigateur
* Lecteur de flux RSS : Il peut lire les flux RSS des sites et les actualiser à intervalle régulier (différent et configurable pour chaque flux). Opera signale la présence d'un flux RSS/Atom par une icône Image utilisateur dans la barre d'adresse
* Barre d'adresse intelligente : la barre d'adresse intelligente affiche en même temps que vous tapez des suggestions provenant des titres et du contenu des pages situées dans votre historique. La barre possède aussi une autre fonction : en fonction de lettres clés tapés avant les expressions de recherche, le navigateur ira directement chercher ce que vous voulez. Par exemple, si vous voulez chercher "Opera" sur Wikipedia, vous n'avez qu'à taper "w Opera"
* Filtre anti-hameçonnage : Opera intègre un filtre anti-hameçonnage très puissant, qui vous avertit dès que vous tentez d'accéder à un site soupçonné de distribuer des logiciels malveillants ou susceptibles de vous soutirer des informations personnelles illégalement.
* Et bien d'autres...

Nouveautés de la version 10

Cette version apporte de nombreuses nouveautés très attendues :

* Correcteur orthographique : disponible dans la plupart des navigateurs, Opera corrige ce petit manque de sa part ;
* Mise à jour automatique : auparavant, il fallait aller télécharger une nouvelle version du navigateur manuellement sur le site. Opera nous permet maintenant de la télécharger directement ;
* Un meilleur respect des standards : la nouvelle version du moteur de rendu Presto obtient 100 % au test Acid3 (un test relativement dur afin d'évaluer les moteurs de rendu du navigateur) et apporte un support amélioré de l'HTML 5 ;
* Un navigateur en général 40% plus rapide selon Opera Software ;
* Opera Unite (voir description ci-dessous) ;
* Opera Turbo (voir description également ci-dessous) ;
* Personnalisation du Speed Dial : il est possible avec la version 10 de personnaliser le Speed Dial avec un arrière-plan et de choisir le nombre de sites à afficher jusqu'à un maximum de 25 ;
* Nouvelle interface : Opera Software a fait appel aux talents du graphiste Jon Hicks afin de refaire l'apparence du navigateur ainsi que les icônes.

quotes of the day

"Doing nothing is very hard to do ... you never know when you're finished."

facebook is connecting 250 Million People!!!

As of today, 250 million people are using Facebook to stay updated on what's happening around them and share with the people in their lives. The rapid pace of our growth is humbling and exciting for us, and it affirms that people everywhere are realizing the power of staying connected to everything they care about on Facebook.

From the beginning, Facebook hasn't been about building a website. Facebook is about all of the people using it and all of the things that are important to you. The 250 million of you on Facebook today are what gives Facebook life and makes the site meaningful to everyone using it, so we thank you.

Each person who joins makes Facebook better by adding a presence to the site that friends and family can connect with and feel closer to. For us, growing to 250 million users isn't just an impressive number; it is a mark of how many personal connections all of you have made, and how far we at Facebook have to go to extend the power of connection to the billions of people around the world.

So today as we celebrate our 250 millionth user, we are also continuing to develop Facebook to serve as many people in the world in the most effective way possible. This means reaching out to everyone across the world and making products that serve all of you, wherever you are—whether through Facebook Connect, new mobile products and the other things that we are building. We're grateful to have all of you with us, and we look forward to helping connect the next quarter billion people on Facebook.

New tools for Google Services for Websites

Earlier this year, we launched Google Services for Websites, a program that helps partners, e.g., web hoster and access providers, offer useful and powerful tools to their customers. By making services, such as Webmaster Tools, Custom Search, Site Search and AdSense, easily accessible via the hoster control panel, hosters can easily enable these services for their webmasters. The tools help website owners understand search performance, improve user retention and monetize their content — in other words, run more effective websites.

Since we launched the program, several hosting platforms have enhanced their offerings by integrating with the appropriate APIs. Webmasters can configure accounts, submit Sitemaps with Webmaster Tools, create Custom Search Boxes for their sites and monetize their content with AdSense, all with a few clicks at their hoster control panel. More partners are in the process of implementing these enhancements.

We've just added new tools to the suite:

* Web Elements allows your customers to enhance their websites with the ease of cut-and-paste. Webmasters can provide maps, real-time news, calendars, presentations, spreadsheets and YouTube videos on their sites. With the Conversation Element, websites can create more engagement with their communities. The Custom Search Element provides inline search over your own site (or others you specify) without having to write any code and various options to customize further.
* Page Speed allows webmasters to measure the performance of their websites. Snappier websites help users find things faster; the recommendations from these latency tools allow hosters and webmasters to optimize website speed. These techniques can help hosters reduce resource use and optimize network bandwidth.
* The Tips for Hosters page offers a set of tips for hosters for creating a richer website hosting platform. Hosters can improve the convenience and accessibility of tools, while at the same time saving platform costs and earning referral fees. Tips include the use of analytics tools such as Google Analytics to help webmasters understand their traffic and linguistic tools such as Google Translate to help websites reach a broader audience.

If you're a hoster and would like to participate in the Google Services for Websites program, please apply here. You'll have to integrate with the service APIs before these services can be made available to your customers, so the earlier you start that process, the better.
salut tout le monde, c'est mon nouveau blog,

salut tout le monde, c'est mon nouveau blog,